How to Unleash Your Creativity (for Profit and Gain)

Jumpstart your business with your most powerful weapon -- the creativity of your people.
-- A seminar for you to free your creative spirit and find your great ideasIn the world of education, creativity is becoming an essential ingredient to success. Innovative thinking yields better teaching methods, smoother interactions between staff, parents and learners, and better ways of going about the day-to-day business of running a school.
People who don't believe they have this skill are at a tremendous disadvantage.
The top institutions in the world treasure the creativity of their people.
And the good news is that every human being is creative. With a little practice and some easily learned techniques, creativity can become second nature to everyone.
In this seminar, you will get...
full-day. Minimum group size is eight participants, with a maximum of
What some delegates have said:
Set your creative self free and book Roy Blumenthal's creativity seminar today by calling him on +27 82 659 3165 or emailing
People who don't believe they have this skill are at a tremendous disadvantage.
The top institutions in the world treasure the creativity of their people.
- Yale University asks alumni for money every year. Not because theyNEED the money. But because they want to remain top-of-mind topowerful people who will employ next year's graduates.
- 3M's invention of the Post-It Note came from one man's creative idea.
- Xerox foresaw the need for the laser printer a full 20 years before the technology made such a device possible... and their head of research was given the reigns to do the development.
- "Gillette is Innovation". That's their corporate slogan. Which is why they have a string of world firsts in their product line.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology has open-sourced its learning materials, which are now available to anyone online, free of charge. This is a very smart and creative way to get people to WANT to study at MIT.
And the good news is that every human being is creative. With a little practice and some easily learned techniques, creativity can become second nature to everyone.
- This seminar helps people to shake themselves out of standard ways of thinking.
- It shows them how to ask the right questions so that answers can be found in unexpected places.
- The seminar will introduce delegates to their creative selves using interactive workshop games and activities.
- People will learn how to recognise and avoid creativity traps.
- You'll learn the four steps necessary to get from an initial idea brainstorm through to a finished solution.
- All through practical exposure to tools that will definitely open up your creativity.
- Learn how to access inspiration and creativity at will and put yourself in the lead.
In this seminar, you will get...
- A toolkit of practical, easy-to-apply methods that work for every problem-solving situation.
- Ways to overcome the ten most common mistakes in creative thinking.
- Brainstorming techniques to make your next meeting much more productive and fun.
- The four essential steps to creativity.
- Putting your idea into action: how to get the results you want and need.
- The ability to turn work into fun.
- Comprehensive handouts.
- Activities to help you recognise and anchor your newly liberated creativity.
full-day. Minimum group size is eight participants, with a maximum of
What some delegates have said:
- "It makes you see things and yourself from a different perspective." -- Franzel
- "(I was) given handy tools to enhance creativity." --Antoinette
- "I realised I am too logical and systematic." -- Anonymous
- "(I) believ(e) that I am creative even though I thought otherwise." --Anonymous
- "More confident in being creative. Thanks!" -- Anonymous
- "The most interesting and important thing I learned is to think more freely." -- Sonet
- "Brilliant. Breathtaking." -- Kate
- "It makes you aware of your mode of creativity, promotes self-understanding, (and gives) practical guidelines to becoming more creative." -- Elena
- "I now know I AM creative." -- Keitumetse
- "Creativity is a learnable skill." -- Eddie
Set your creative self free and book Roy Blumenthal's creativity seminar today by calling him on +27 82 659 3165 or emailing